Dear Builders, Attics Need Shelves

Wouldn’t it be incredible if all new homes were built so the attic is super accessible and shelves were built in?? I have never been in such an attic! Most of our attic organizing jobs are in spaces that have little flooring/plywood, or there are support boards criss-crossing everywhere, or access is often those awful pull-down ladders. Not ideal for when a homeowner needs to store things up there!


To create more storage for our clients, we put wire shelving units in attics. They are affordable and can be assembled without major tools. (I would recommend a rubber mallet, though!) Also, I like the shelves because sometimes you don’t want to stack a bunch of bins on top of each other — it can be a pain to unstack when you need a bin from the bottom.


In my own attic, I use baskets for stuff like toys, even though my kids have outgrown them. I want to be able to pull them out for toddlers and preschoolers, like when my sister brings her four daughters to visit! But certainly you can store Christmas/Halloween/party stuff like this. Anything that you want to access at least once a year.


Until awesome attic storage becomes standard building practice (LOL), get some wire shelving and baskets or containers! And don’t forget to label everything. (These are clip-on labels we’ve been using lately!)


If you’re working on your attic right now (TIS THE SEASON), I want to know how it’s going! Drop me an email or a DM on Instagram (this where all the fun stuff is, btw)!


If you want more links to shelves and baskets in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, check out my post on Like To Know It!

Blessings to you in 2022!

— Tara

PS. For more organizational product recommendations, see our Amazon Storefront!