Dorm Room Peace

It’s nearing back-to-school season, which for some of you means your kiddo is headed off to college. If that’s you, congratulations! You’re likely in the thick of dorm room prep and wondering “do we actually need this thing?” or “what am I forgetting?” While we’re not here to give you an exhaustive list of what your soon-to-be college student is going to need in their dorm room, we would like to offer some basic organizing tips that might guide you in your purchases for his upcoming milestone. Let’s get into it!

#1 - Utilize Vertical Space

An often overlooked aspect of small-space living is the amount of vertical space we have available to us. Items like shelf risers can be helpful on a built-in bookshelf or closet shelf to create additional shelving. Shoe organizers can be stacked to add more storage without taking up more floor space. Over the door towel racks are great for towels and washcloths waiting to be re-used (because we KNOW these students aren’t doing laundry frequently enough), and over the door coat hooks can be handy for coats and jackets that need to be grabbed quickly (because we KNOW these students aren’t getting up in time to make it to that 8:00 class without rushing out the door).

And while we ordinarily think “up” when we’re talking about vertical space, don’t forget about the unused floor space under beds or futons. These under bed storage bins are great for items that don’t need to be accessed regularly like off-season clothing.

#2 Create a Drop Zone

Everyone likes to have a place to set their things when they first walk in the door. Classes can be exhausting and when your college student gets back to their dorm room after a long day, putting things away immediately might not be priority. Why not help them establish a small drop zone to keep things from ending up in a big pile, helping to keep the room tidy at all times. Something as simple as a few sturdy hooks for backpacks and purses, and some smaller hooks for keys and fobs can be a simple and affordable option. Depending on space, you could even get a small shoe rack or shoe cabinet for your student to remove their shoes right away if that’s their vibe (that’s my vibe).

#3 Establish Chaos Resilience

The concept of Chaos Resilience is the ability to quickly recover from a chaotic moment or season. The idea is that we can get a space exactly how we like it, but life can get in the way of maintenance, so we need to set up systems that allow us to recover when things get a little disheveled. The best way to establish Chaos Resilience in a space is to have a home for things, and to label that home so there’s no guessing about where anything should go. We often use drawer organizers, bins, and baskets to contain like-items, and then label with a label maker or clip labels. You’ll need to get an idea of the space and maybe even take measurements to get the right items for you.

Hopefully these tips help frame your mindset as you begin/continue to shop for your college student. We’re always here to help, so if you’re looking for more product ideas, feel free to reach out on Instagram or schedule a virtual consultation.

We have some fun ideas for additional items your college student might enjoy that we’ll be linking over the next few weeks on the LTK app, so make sure you download that and start following House Peace to get those links!


— Colleen

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Colleen Dixon