The House Peace Gift Guide 2021


Dear House Peacer,

As we are approaching Thanksgiving next week, I want to tell you how grateful I am that you read my blog-posts-turned-into-emails and support House Peace in so many ways. My goal is to make these posts and emails simple but useful. Specific enough, but also general enough. If there’s anything you’d like to suggest for content, all you have to do is hit reply! If you don’t get this in your inbox, now is the time. Click here to sign up for my email list.

Today, I will be short because all of the Lead Organizers at House Peace have been working on our annual Gift Guide, which you can download here. Each organizer has her own favorites on each page. There’s home organization stuff FOR SURE, but we also included other gift items like our favorite sunscreens, kids’ games, slippers, heaters, and more. You can forward this on to your mom, your BFF, and your spouse! I think there is something for every sensibility.

Blessings to you,
