It's Time We Addressed the Clip-On Label Crisis


Dear House Peacers,

Our beloved round clip-on labels from Target (normally located in the cube-storage aisle) appear to be discontinued! Target also carried rectangular plastic ones under the Pillowfort brand (like the one in the photo), but they are scarce or missing all over Birmingham!

I’ve gathered a collection of options for baskets and bins that NEEEED a surface for the label! (Remember, clip-on labels are awesome for being able to remove them or change them without damaging the basket. Plus some baskets you can’t adhere a label tape directly on them!)

Target Options:


The Container Store Options:





Amazon options* (and check out this part of our Amazon store for other kinds of labels):

Black Chalkboard

Black Metal

(*Note that we didn’t include any of the clear clip-on labels from Amazon — we have tried these and they tend to break. If you want clear, go with the ones from The Container Store!)

Thanks for shopping with our links, they give us a lil baby bit of income!


PS. Did you see my junk drawer tutorial this week? Make sure you’ve got your sound on! What did you think?